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Solo exhibitions:
OF PLACE, The People's Museum of Limerick, Limerick
Hay Makers Gallery, Hay-on-Wye, England
Rufford Ceramics Centre, Nr Newark Nottinghamshire, England
Selected Group Exhibitions (to 2001):
LAND/MARKS, Farmleigh Gallery, Dublin
Land(ed): an exhibition in contemporary craft, Lavit Gallery, Cork (Land(ed): an exhibition of Contemporary Craft - Lavit Gallery)
Blurring the Edge, Flowerfield Arts Centre, Portstewart, Northern Ireland
Blurring the Edge, Hunt Museum, Limerick
Touchstone, Farmleigh Gallery, Dublin, and National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny
Ceramic Innovations, Wayne Arts Centre, PA, USA (Ceramic Innovations Statement Book by Wayne Art Center - issuu)
Transformed in Fire, Gallerytop, Derbyshire, UK (TRANSFORMED IN FIRE 2016 by Keith Logan - issuu)
Focus: Vessel, 8th Talent Award of the Nassauische Sparkasse, Keramikmuseum Westerwald, Germany
Martinsons Award exhibition, Latvia International Ceramics Biennale, Latvia
PORTFOLIO@Solomon: Ceramics, Solomon Gallery, Dublin
Centred, Wandesford Quay Gallery, Cork
RDS Craft Awards, RDS, Dublin
Centred, Farmleigh Gallery, Dublin
Down to Earth, Craft Centre & Design Gallery, Leeds
Ceramic Art London, Royal College of Art, London
Irish Craft Portfolio, RHA, Dublin
Ceramic Art London, Royal College of Art, London
Bricks in the Rain, Wandesford Quay, Cork
Ceramic Art London, Royal College of Art, London
Bricks in the Rain, Farmleigh Gallery, Dublin (Bricks_in_the_Rain_catalogue.compressed.pdf (
Vessels, Cill Rialaig Arts Centre, Co. Kerry
Irish Craft Portfolio, RHA, Dublin
transFORM, Farmleigh Gallery, Dublin, Millennium Court Arts Centre, Portadown & The Gallery, Limerick School of Art and Design (LIT), Limerick.
Irish Craft Portfolio, National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny, Farmleigh Gallery, Dublin & RHA, Dublin
Collect, Saatchi Galleries, London (Represented by National Craft Gallery)
Irish Pavilion, World Expo, Shanghai, China
Irish Craft Portfolio, National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny & Farmleigh Gallery, Dublin
RDS National Crafts Competition, Prize-winners exhibition, Dublin and Touring, Ireland
SOFA, Navy Pier, Chicago, USA (Represented by National Craft Gallery)
Pottering in the kitchen, Model House Gallery, Wales
17 Prime Makers, Farmleigh Gallery, Dublin and Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Wales
Clay 14, Woodbury Studio Gallery, Exeter, Devon, England
Collectors @ Hunt Museum, Limerick
Collectors @ National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny
Autour de la Table, Giroussens, France
Collectors @ Hunt Museum, Limerick
Christmas Presence, RDS, Dublin
Christmas Presence, RDS, Dublin
Bakers Dozen, Roundhouse Gallery, Derbyshire, England
Ceramic Fire Works, Tipperary Institute, Thurles, Co. Tipperary
10 Years Later.., St David's Hall, Cardiff, Wales
Winners, National Craft Competition, RDS, Dublin and Touring, Ireland
Winners, National Craft Competition, RDS, Dublin and Touring, Ireland
Residencies / Symposia
II International symposium on Black Ceramics, Quart, Spain
Ceramic Values, British Ceramics Biennial, Stoke-on-Trent, UK
Cill Rialaig Artists Retreat, Ballinskelligs, Co. Kerry
FuLe International Ceramic Art Residency, Fuping, China
Public Collections:
Wayne Arts Centre, PA, USA, 2017
Keramikmuseum Westerwald, Germany, 2016
Latvia International Ceramics Biennale, 2016
Department of Foreign Affairs, Irish Embassies Collection, 2015
National Museums of Northern Ireland, Ulster Museum, 2011
Irish Pavilion, FuLe International Ceramic Art Museums (FLICAM), Fuping, China, 2011
Consulate General of Ireland, Shanghai, China, 2010
Department of Foreign Affairs / Irish Embassies Collection, 2005, 2009
Hibernian Collection
Irish Ceramics Award, Mill Cove Gallery, 2013
Crafts Council of Ireland Award, Mill Cove Gallery, 2013
Culture Ireland/ Crafts Council of Ireland, 2011
First prize, Ceramics (traditional), RDS National Crafts Competition, 2009
Michael Casson Memorial award, Art in Clay, Britain, 2004
Culture of Clay, Hunt Museum, Limerick, 2014 (Culture_of_Clay_2014.compressed.pdf (
Exhibitions: Welcome
Exhibitions: Work
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